Exploring the relationship between climate and care

The Climate and Care Initiative seeks to integrate the agendas of care and climate action, demonstrating their interconnections and learning from concrete practices, including those promoted by ecofeminist movements and grassroots organisations.
Given their interdependence for development, it is crucial to address paid and unpaid care work in conjunction with climate change. However, the connections between these crises have been overlooked in policies, programmes, and research.

Our Goal

Focusing on Latin America, the Caribbean, and Sub-Saharan Africa, the Care and Climate Initiative aims to contribute to the study of the intersections between climate and care to generate evidence. Based on the knowledge gained, we seek to promote actions that inform researchers, funders, and policymakers to address these crises simultaneously for a just transition.
The initiative is developed by:
In collaboration with:
With the support of:
This initiative is developed by the AVINA Foundation, OXFAM Canada, and UNRISD, in collaboration with the Global Alliance for Care and with the support of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada.

What We Do:

Common Understanding

Create a theoretical framework on the intersection between the climate and care crisis through participatory research processes with local feminist movements and communities in LAC and SSA.

Developing Evidence

Generate applied research to foster learning from these solutions, making the care-climate-nexus and the contributions of ecofeminist and indigenous movements more visible.

Mapping and Financing Solutions

Map innovations and solutions that address the intersection of care and climate and develop a fund to financially support at least 20 of these care-centred ecofeminist and grassroots organisations working on the frontline to address these challenges.

Inform and Engage

Collaborate with national and global climate policy discussions through collective, evidence-based advocacy and knowledge sharing, and foster the participation and engagement of care representatives from the Global South in international climate forums, including Conference of Parties (COPs) 29 and 30.


Advocacy efforts

About Climate and Care

Climate change increases and intensifies unpaid care, domestic, and communal work, primarily carried out by women. This is because extreme weather events hinder the availability of natural resources such as firewood and water. Additionally, other care activities like composting or caring for water and biodiversity also fall on women, involving unpaid community-centred work. Ironically, these care responsibilities restrict their participation in climate decision-making and limit opportunities to engage in green jobs promoted by the transition to a low-carbon economy.

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